Kin The Know

What are the risks of alcohol and breastfeeding?

There are limitations on how much alcohol you can consume while safely feeding your baby.
Written by
Marni Dixit
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Last updated on
October 2, 2024
min read
What Are The Risks Of Alcohol And Breastfeeding? | Kin Fertility
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You've finally welcomed your little one into the world, and after a long 9 months, you might be feeling ready for a celebratory drink!

And fair enough — you just grew a human. Well done!

However, it's important to note that if you are breastfeeding and want to continue doing so, there will be some limitations on how much alcohol you can consume while safely feeding your baby.

So, let's have a look into the safety of alcohol and breastfeeding.

Can you drink alcohol while breastfeeding?

If you're able to breastfeed, there isn't an amount of alcohol you can drink that is considered 100% 'safe' [1].

This is because when you drink alcohol, it passes from your bloodstream and into your breast milk.

Thankfully, a baby drinking breast milk is only exposed to a fraction of any alcohol consumed by their mum.

Still, research has found that breastfed babies who are exposed to more than 1 standard alcoholic beverage a day may suffer impaired motor development, and the alcohol may also cause changes to infant sleeping patterns [2].

If you are drinking alcohol, try to avoid breastfeeding until the alcohol has completely cleared from your breast milk. This can take around 2-3 hours for 1 standard drink.

Another idea is to breastfeed your baby before you plan on consuming alcohol so the alcohol will naturally clear by the time the next feed comes around.

And, if you're familiar with the old wives' tale that alcohol can improve milk production, we're sorry to say that this isn't true.

In fact, studies have found that alcohol can actually decrease breast milk production [3].

How much alcohol passes through breast milk?

Research is divided on the topic of how much alcohol passes through breast milk, with some studies saying that the amount of alcohol detected in the bloodstream will not adversely affect the child in any way.

Other research, including the study mentioned above, says it's unsafe for the baby, full stop.

One study found that about 5-6% of the amount of alcohol in a mother's bloodstream will enter the baby's bloodstream through breast milk, which is, thankfully, very low [4].

The study also found that if a mother had been binge drinking, the alcohol that would end up in her breast milk would not be a significant amount.

Of course, it's never advised to binge drink.

If you have 1 single drink, your alcohol levels will peak at about 30-60 minutes afterwards, and the alcohol will be detected in your breast milk for 2-3 hours.

With this in mind, the general rule is if you are having a drink and your next feed is coming up, wait 2 hours before feeding your baby.

However, should you have multiple drinks, this will prolong the amount of time the alcohol will remain detectable in your bloodstream and milk.

If you are finding that you are regularly consuming alcohol while breastfeeding, it is best to seek advice from your doctor.

Is there a way to drink alcohol while safely breastfeeding your baby?

The best way to ensure your baby's health is to wait 2 hours for every standard drink you consume before breastfeeding again [5].

So, if you have 1 standard drink, you would wait 2 hours, but if you had 2 standard drinks, this would be 4 hours and so on.

Even if you don't feel tipsy or drunk, it's best to avoid breastfeeding anyway.

Plan ahead and pump before you have any alcoholic beverages and ensure you wait 2 hours per drink before breastfeeding.

If you know you will need to feed in the next few hours, stop drinking so your liver can clear the alcohol from your body.

Breastfeeding can be difficult for some, and while it's one of life's most astounding natural processes, many new mums experience problems with the process.

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How does alcohol affect breastfeeding babies?

Whatever alcohol you consume while you're still breastfeeding will be ingested through your breast milk. The best option when breastfeeding is to avoid alcohol.

However, if you do wish to drink alcoholic beverages, or perhaps you have a special occasion, there are ways around this, as mentioned above.

As a baby's brain is still developing, any amount of alcohol can damage its development.

If you were to consume 1 drink per day, currently, there are little to no known complications or side effects on babies from this — especially if the mother waits 2 hours before feeding or pumping.

However, if you were to drink more than this, it could lead to delayed development, growth issues and interrupted sleep for your baby [6]. In addition, your ability to take care of your child if you are consuming too much alcohol will also be impaired.

One study from 1998 found that infants who consumed alcohol via breast milk slept for 25% less time than those who did not have alcohol in their breast milk [7].

An older study in 1989 found that 400 one-year-olds, who were exposed to alcohol in breast milk, had lower scores in motor skill development than children who weren't exposed [8].

But, researchers were unable to replicate these findings when they did a follow-up study 6 months later.

The important thing to remember is that babies will likely not experience any adverse side effects if their mother is enjoying the occasional drink.

However, higher levels of alcohol can be problematic for both mum and baby.

Pump and dump

You've likely heard the term 'pump and dump' before in relation to women pumping breast milk immediately after drinking alcohol and throwing it away.

However, this does little to rid your body of the amount of alcohol present and isn't necessary [6].

While pumping and dumping your breast milk won't speed up the elimination of the alcohol from your body, if you're going to be away from your baby and missing the next feed then pumping and dumping the milk will help you maintain your milk supply and avoid discomfort.

If you're not experiencing any discomfort, you do not have to pump and can simply feed your baby after that 2-hour window as usual.

If you plan to have more than one drink or know your baby will be hungry within the 2-hour window, you could pump ahead of time (before drinking alcohol) and save that for the next feed.

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